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Find the best FSBO deals

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Find more homes for sale in your area by searching on Realtyless. Most traditional real estate websites only show agent-listed homes. Realtyless showcases FSBO homes posted for sale directly by their owners.

Find the best deals

Search for homes based on the best deals in your area. Realtyless compares estimates from up to three independent sources so you can view the value compared to the list price and find the best deals.

Save time and hassle

Sign up and be the first to get notified when good deal homes are posted for sale in your area. Easily find the property information you’re looking for. Realtyless shows deal designations and seller contact information at the top of every posting.

Save up to 3% on your home

Buyer’s agents don’t work for free. They charge up to 3% of the home price for their services. When you use Realtyless, you don’t have to pay the buyer’s agent commission. That means you can save up to 3% on your home purchase.

Homes sold every year
6 million
Cost of new home
Agent commission

Save on your mortgage with zero buyer agent commission

Save buyer agent commission when you buy with Realtyless. Your savings can compound over a 30 year mortgage with a smaller down payment and smaller monthly mortgage payments. So, there’s more money to spend on things that really matter to you.

Save on your mortgage with zero commission


What will you buy with your savings?


Value of the house:

You Save:

Frequently asked questions

How does Realtyless save me money?

Realtyless doesn’t have buyer’s agents. When you skip the agent, you can save up to 3% on your home purchase.

If I don’t have an agent, how do I know everything is done right?

Realtyless partners with independent companies to help you get the services you need for a fraction of the price of an agent.

How do I know if a property is a good deal?

Realtyless designates homes as good deals, fair deals, or high priced. We compare the home value estimates from up to three independent sources with the listing price of the home. If the listing price is less than the average estimate, we designate the home as a good deal.

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